We utilize Frame.io as our review tool. When exporting files for Frame.io, ensure that you exports are in the CLIENT_WIPS folder within you project on the server.
Please ensure to create subfolders as needed (for example, 'TVC', 'Product-film', etc) and always move old exports to a folder named '_OLD'.
Consult with the post-producer or team lead in advance to understand the different categories that will exist while working on this project.
Example of categories within the CLIENT-WIPS folder.
✅ Do this:
❌ Don’t do this:
Essentially, Frame.io should mirror the client's WIPS folder. It always contains an 'Internal' section and a 'Client' section. We upload exports for internal review to the 'Internal' section. You can share these links with your producer, specifying that they are for internal use. We should avoid sending clients links containing our internal feedback. Once everything is finalized, we also upload the video to the 'Client' section and share a new link, which the producer can then forward to the client.