<aside> 💡 DON’T make any changes to the database or add new properties. If you missing something please consult Martijn.


1A). You can start with items from the Template. You can select several items, hit duplicate and drag and drop them in the Production Timeline.

Selected items in de produciton template

Selected items in de produciton template

1B). You can also create your own item by clicking the New button in the Production timeline

Click new to add a new empty road

Click new to add a new empty road

Who is responsible for the action thats needeed. You can select Wenneker, Client and Agency.

What describes what needs to be done.

Action Prod/Client a standard parts for every planning, like aprovals, sharing, input. etc

Time when you share something or needs to get input from

After that you can add the date on the timeline. If you add a block it is standard 5 days (template items are alreayd set to 1 day). But you can move them easily drag it to the date you want and set it to one day.

Want to change the order of in your timeline you can move you mouse to the beginning of the row and the 6 little dots pops up and a the cursor change to a hand. You can now move it to another row.

You can aslo easy duplicate the row by clicking on the 6 dots and hit command+d (MAC) or crtl+d (WIN)

Deleting goes in the same way. Select the 6 dots and press delete.