Starting Your Plan
Begin by initiating your plan in the "Planning - V1" timeline view, where you'll find an initial entry ready for your updates.
Planning Elements
- Identification: In each entry, complete the "Who" column to specify the recipient of the action. Typically, this includes entities such as Wenneker, Client, and Agency.
- Entry: Input the name of the asset(s), such as PRV or HWT. For combined sharing assets, use a format like "PRV + HWT" to avoid cluttering the plan with unnecessary entries.
- Phases:
- Offline: Initial editing phase.
- Offline Final: Last phase before establishing the Offline Lock.
- Lock Product Shots: Securing product shots for comp/vfx/clean-up work while continuing editing.
- PreFinal: Refers to the process of online editing, in this stage we do motion design, CGI, .
- Finals: Final editing stage, open only to minor client feedback.
- Final Delivery: The deadline for project delivery to the client. There can also be multiple final delivery moments e.g. for social, PRV or HWT
- 360: Development of CGI products, focusing on shading and texture approval.
- CGI WIP: Comparable to the video's offline phase, involving shot creation and getting the flow/edit/composition right of the CGI.
- PreFinal: This also applies to CGI, but specifically for enhancing the visual appeal and polish of CGI shots.
- Design: Concerns all static imagery tasks.
Task Focus
- Selection: Choose the current task focus, such as Offline, Online, Audio, or Grading. If an option is missing, unlock the database to add it manually to the dropdown menu.
- Tasks:
- Share: Distribute versions through
- Viewing at Wenneker: Host client viewings at the office, applicable mainly to offline phases. Grading sessions are invited separately.
- Viewing Online: Conduct discussions and viewings over video calls.
- Share Feedback: Clients provide comprehensive feedback.
- Approval: Seek asset approval on a edit or CGI lock sharing.
- Internal: Reserved for audio and grading, typically not shared independently.
Timeline Adjustments
- Scheduling: Modify the timeline by dragging to extend the days dedicated to each asset. Duplicate the initial item with command+d for efficiency, adjusting as needed.