How do we name and format our projects? We have multiple clients which are divided on our Elements server on workspaces. At those workspaces our project will live. They need to have a non generic usefull name for quick understanding what the project beholds and for archiving purposes. Once the projects get his name it can never change because of file linking. So make sure you come up with proper name when creating one.
The naming is build up by the following rule:
- ProjectNumber: This can be received from the producer/post-producer.
- ClientShortcut: This is a 2 lettre short abbreviation of the client name. (Philips → PH, Vowerk, VW)
- Divisions: If we work for a brand with multiple brands e.g. Philips we also add an 2 letter short abbreviation to the project name.
- Projectname: This is the name of the project. You do not have too use the exact same name the producer has from the invocing system because sometimes those names are too generic like just the name of a product. We produce sometimes multiple projects for the same product. So add something like; _Basic-Assets, _Campaign, Foundation.
- ProductionMonth: Only if the project name is too generic and nothing can be added contextually we add the production month.
How to format the project names:
We use underscores “_” between above variabels and we use “-” for a blank spaces in the naming.
Client and Divisions are in capitals. Rest of the project name is always underscore.
PHILIPS - Brand shortcuts
VERSUNI - Brand shortcuts
Example below: