<aside> ⚠️ Always check the following:
Every asset that is being delivered needs to score 100% on Creative-X. Creative-X is a platform that tests various aspects of the asset. Think of length, size, whether or not the product is filling the frame etc. When there is a first version of the assets its wise to already test them on Creative-X to make sure it will pass.
In general a asset has to follow these rules:
Once the assets are ready for delivery we have to resubmit them in Creative-X so that we get rapports with the correct filenames in them. THese rapports needs to be stored in the final delivery
Starbucks has a lot of varieties in packs, machines etc, therefore most of the assets that we create will always have to be modular. For example we create a 10s OLV in 16x9, this asset then has to be setup and deliverd so that we have the same film with 5 different coffee machines, packs or cups. This wil be specified in the briefing.
During offline phase we create all the unique assets with one set up, once approved we have to create all possible variations so that it can be adapted. The adaption is done by MediaMonks, please read the documents below before starting the delivery proces.
Whenever we create a CGI product / pack / set up, we have to make sure that all elements can easily be adapted by third parties. This means that shadows, reflections on tables, etc, have to be a separate export so that when they want to change or remove a pack they are not stuck with a shadow on the table for example.
Always check up front whit producers what the modularity behold for every unique project.
Please read the above PDF for information on file-naming and folder structure.